Terracotta Grow Kits
The cutting edge of houseplant cultivation. This terracotta kit has a glazed interior and is outfitted with a passive hydroponic system known as “wicking,” which brings water and nutrients up to the plant's roots. So whether you forget to water, overwater, or both, this planter's got you covered. Comes equipped with everything you’ll need to start growing, just add water and set in a sunny window.
Plant Type:Healing Aloe

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The Tech-Curious Grower
Hiya! I’m a curious cat. I’ve never made an impulsive choice, but I always make the right decisio...
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Feel Good Gifts
A major motivator at Modern Sprout is creating items you feel good about gifting and good about g...
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Nick’s 5 Seed Starting Tips
When Sarah and I founded Modern Sprout, it was less about wanting to be a small business owner an...
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